Monday, December 21, 2009

Success breeds more success.

I normally would create my own content, but this was so good and hits home on so many levels that I have to share. "Your head is a scary place", is my favorite quote. A positive attitude and actions help us feel better about ourselves. If we feel better about ourselves, we are happy to do more things for more people. This is worth all 5 minutes.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Think it, Feed it, Feel it.

As we close on the year and are developing our business plan for next year, I want you to consider this. Think it, Feed it, and Feel it. Think about what your goals are for the coming year. Feed those goals with positive actions and thoughts. Feel the burning desire to complete those goals. Then it will all happen.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Keep Going!

Geese HONK while flying south for the winter. This offers encouragement to the lead bird. Who is HONKING to you for encouragement?